What is Scrivener? It’s the inexpensive book-writing software that NYTimes bestselling author Timothy Ferris relies on. But it’s good for much, much more as well.
You should check it out, (Scrivener for Dummies coming soon too) or at least read the testimonials. You can buy it here.
Note: If you want to customize the keyboard shortcuts within Scrivener, go to Tools>Options>Keyboard within Scrivener. If you want to make your own more complex keyboard shortcuts using a tool such as AutoHotKey or PhraseExpress scripts, see this forum. Here are some AutoHotKey links for your convenience: Download • Tutorial • FAQ • Reference • Sample Scripts
- Move Item Up: Ctrl+Up
- Remove Item Shift+Del
- Move Item Down: Ctrl+Down
- Move Item Left: Ctrl+Left
- Move Item Right: Ctrl+Right
- Split At Selection: Ctrl+K
- Split With Selection as name: Ctrl+Shift+K
- Set Selection as name: F2
- Duplicate Item With SubDocuments: Ctrl+D
- Duplicate Item Without SubDocuments: Ctrl+Shift+D
- Take Snapshot: Ctrl+5
- Take Snapshot With name: Ctrl+Shift+5
- Open in Editor: Ctrl+Shift+Return
- Open in Other Editor: Ctrl+Alt+Return
- Open In External Editor: Ctrl+F5
- Group Selection: Ctrl+G
- UnGroup Selection: Ctrl+Shift+U
- Merge Documents: Ctrl+M
- Add Current To Completions: Ctrl+Alt+=
- Show Spelling: Ctrl+8, B
- Insert Image: Ctrl+Shift+H
- Insert Current Date and Time: Ctrl+F6
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- Find Dialog: Ctrl+F
- Find Next: F3
- Find Previous: Shift+F3
- Replace And Find Next: Ctrl+H
- Paste And Match Style: Ctrl+Shift+V
- Find By Format Dialog: Ctrl+F3
- Find Next By Format: Ctrl+Shift+F3
- Find Previous By Format: Ctrl+Alt+F3
- Complete Current Word: Alt+=
- Complete Current name: Ctrl+Alt+4
- New Project: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N
- Open Project: Ctrl+O
- Page Setup: Ctrl+Shift+P
- Print: Ctrl+P
- Close Project: Ctrl+F4
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- Save As: Ctrl+Shift+S
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- Import Web Page: Ctrl+Shift+W
- Export Files: Ctrl+Shift+X
- Toggle Invisibles: Ctrl+Shift+\
- Toggle Ghost Notes: Ctrl+Shift+7
- Show Citations: Ctrl+8, C
- Toggle Ruler: Ctrl+Shift+R
- Fonts: F4
- Toggle FormatBar: Alt+Right
- Toggle Typewriter Scrolling: Meta+Ctrl+T
- Annotation: Ctrl+Shift+A
- Footnote: Ctrl+Shift+F
- Script Writing: Ctrl+4
- Outlined: Ctrl+;
- Script Elements Popup: Ctrl+\
- Strike Through: Ctrl+Shift+-
- Bold: Ctrl+B
- Enlarge Font: Ctrl+>
- Italic: Ctrl+I
- Shrink Font: Ctrl+<
- Underlined: Ctrl+U
- Super Script: Ctrl+Alt+]
- Sub Script: Ctrl+Alt+[
- To name Case: Ctrl+6
- To Smart Quotes: Ctrl+`
- To Straight Quotes: Ctrl+Shift+`
- To Single Spaces: Ctrl+Space
- Align Left: Ctrl+L
- Copy Style: Ctrl+Shift+C
- Align Center: Ctrl+E
- Paste Style: Ctrl+Shift+Y
- Align Justified: Ctrl+J
- Copy Ruler: Ctrl+Alt+7
- Align Right: Ctrl+R
- Paste Ruler: Ctrl+Alt+8
- Single Line Spacing: Ctrl+Shift+1
- Double Line Spacing: Ctrl+Shift+2
- Single Half Line Spacing: Ctrl+Shift+3
- Full Screen Keywords: Ctrl+Alt+6
- Full Screen Go To: Ctrl+Alt+5
- Scrivener Manual: F1
- Increase Left Indent: Ctrl+Q
- Decrease Left Indent: Ctrl+Shift+Q
- Increase Text Indent: Ctrl+T
- Decrease Text Indent: Ctrl+Shift+T
- Project Statistics: Ctrl+.
- Text Statistics: Ctrl+/
- Add New Text: Ctrl+N
- Project Targets: Ctrl+,
- Add New Folder: Ctrl+Shift+N
- Toggle Keywords HUD: Ctrl+Shift+G
- Edit Meta Data: Ctrl+Shift+M
- Show Auto Complete List: Ctrl+Shift+4
- Toggle Scratch Pad: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P
- Preferences: F12
- Previous Container: Ctrl+Shift+Up
- Next Container: Ctrl+Shift+Down
- Previous Document: Alt+Shift+Left
- Next Document: Alt+Shift+Right
- Enclosing Group: Alt+Shift+Up
- Editor Selection: Alt+Shift+Down
- Toggle Main ToolBar: Alt+Left
- Toggle Collections: Ctrl+Shift+9
- Toggle Editor HeaderBar: Alt+Up
- Play Pause Action: Ctrl+Return
- Toggle Editor FooterBar: Alt+Down
- Fast Forward Action: Ctrl+}
- Rewind Action: Ctrl+{
- Current Editor Back: Ctrl+[
- Current Editor Forward: Ctrl+]
- Alternate Editor Back:
- Alternate Editor Forward:
- Show Binder Tint: F5
- Show Icon Tint: F6
- Show Index Card Tint: F7
- Show Outliner Tint: F8
- Focus Next Major Element: Ctrl+Tab
- Reveal In Binder: Ctrl+Shift+8
- Show Index Card Label: F9
- Show Index Card Status: F10
- Show Index Card Keywords: Ctrl+F12
- Toggle Binder: Ctrl+Shift+B
- Toggle Inspector: Ctrl+Shift+I
- Toggle FullScreen: F11
- No Editor Split: Ctrl+’
- Horizontal Editor Split: Ctrl++
- Vertical Editor Split: Ctrl+Shift+’
- Show Text: Ctrl+1
- Show Corkboard: Ctrl+2
- Show Outliner: Ctrl+3
- Toggle Editor Lock: Ctrl+Shift+L
- Zoom In: Ctrl+=
- Zoom Out: Ctrl+-
- Expand All:
- Collapse All:
- Collapse All To Current Level:
Do you know a keyboard short cut to format ALL CAPS?
It’s a great list but it’s incomplete.
Where are the keyboard shortcuts for Screenplay Mode?
Great Work. But why are these not listed in the software under the Help menu? The devs have missed the trick on that one.
I appreciate your useful list, David.
Do you have a shortcut for creating a folder inside a folder
(aka a sub-folder)
…so far I’ve had to move it manually
Shift + F4 to add a comment
Is there a “repeat last action” like what F4 does in Word?
sorry am using Mac osx for Scrivener
Need Scrivener keyboard shortcut to simply delete a word.
Hey, great list of shortcuts! I shared with a few friends who use the Windows version, and I plan to give the link to my students.
And, what a nice surprise to see you plugging my book. Thanks!
Thanks for the list — very helpful!