Does anyone have any fun talking or guessing games two people can play in the dark? Without a board or any props? Here’s what we do:
My wife and I invented a word game we like to play as we lay in our bed in the dark before we go to sleep…when we aren’t doing more fun things 🙂
Figure out the hint, then figure out the word or phrase
One of us will propose a word, and the goal is to think up a phrase or word that includes the word given. We will each take turns coming up with new “solutions” until we want to try a new word. We can treat the word givenĂ‚Â either as a phonetic sound or any homonym of the word.
Example: “Shun”
- The hint: “Trumpet is to Coronet as Trumpay is to …”
- The hint solution: “Coronay”
- The word or phrase solution: Combine it phonetically with “shun” to get (phonetically) Coronay-shun:Ă‚Â “Coronation” is the solution.
Another variation:
- The hint: “I am the man who uses a letter of the alphabet as my name! I am Mr ….!”
- The hint solution: “T” (Mr. T).
- The word or phrase solution: “Shunt” (Shun+T).
Obviously, the best words for this game work as parts of many other words or common phrases.
Example: “Cat”
- The hint: “Two words. One: A human male; Two: taking action.”
- The hint solution: “Man” and “do”
- The word or phrase solution: “Katmandu!”
Another variation:
- The hint: “I got that thing in your mouth.”
- The hint solution: “got your tongue.”
- The word or phrase solution: “Cat got your tongue?”
Know of any similar games or websites with examples of games?
We really enjoy spending some time together on this little game we invented, and are looking for other word or similar talking games that can be played without props. We’d love your suggestions!
My husband and I do this all the time. (1) We pick a subject like “fruit” and take turns naming fruits until someone gives up or a subject like “songs with ‘love’ in the title”. (2) Name all the countries (or rivers or anything) in a certain area. There are a million variations. We could never do your version if we were sleepy……;o)