Texts from inside a Costco Pandemic

At 10:05 am, after opening at 10, Costco is already insanely busy, busier than I have ever seen it. The line to get into the parking lot is backed up out onto feeder roads in both directions, and every spot is taken. The WHO declared a pandemic, followed by the U.S....

How to use jQuery on your site

http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/use-google-libraries/ Google’s hosted versions are all compressed, minimized, everything. They’ve basically taken it upon themselves to optimize the hell out of these javascript libraries for the fastest possible hosting of...

Google Wants You to Tell it a Story

To decide what to show you in search results, Google pays attention to how long people spend on web pages.Unfortunately, that means a lot of content takes a long time to get to the point, deliberately wasting your time to make you stick around longer. They’re...

How to be more successful

To improve your success rate over time the most helpful two things are probably: 1. Commit to a minimum system you can maintain long term Continuously finding tiny improvements and building on them is the easiest route to success. Solve problems faster. See...

Ten Greatest Chess Players of All Time

The way I look at it, World Champions that all later players copied can be said to have discovered (“discovery”) more of the truth about chess than anyone else. The most dominant Champions of their time who meet this criteria, in order of...